Monday, December 29, 2008

Time for a wee update

It's been awhile since the Grays posted any new material...once fall semester is finally over, the tests are graded, the grades submitted and the house clean for the first time in months, the holiday season kind of sneaks up on us--we haven't done a proper Christmas letter since the first year we were married--and then spring semester always comes charging in before I'm in point, here I am flitting around on the blog instead of writing the syllabus for my spring semester course...nevermind the fact that I still haven't decided what to put in the course packet that should have been printed months the meantime, here are a few shots of what we've been doing:

More visits to the Denver zoo while the weather was still nice--dad and baby enjoying the sun alongside some theatrical sea lions...

We finally got the Christmas decor up, and scored, truly, the most perfect tree. We told them we didn't have much money, so they took us to the back of the lot, where the hobos get their trees, to this sad little pile under a black tarp...and by a Christmas miracle, it turned out to be the most symetrical, bushy, grand and regal tree ever.

Chez Gray!

We spent Christmas at the Gray the Elders in Fort Collins, and much fun was had by all--I think Glenn and Judy are still recovering from the madness. No pics of xmas morning...our camera disappeared under the inconceivable pile of loot beforehand and was only found right before we left.

No, he isn't ordinarily this dirty...but often...

A few days after Christmas we took Stelli to the dog park...kind of as a belated gift, since she loves it and we almost never go there anymore. Sawyer had a great time toddling around watching the other dogs, and always managed to narrowly miss stepping or falling into big piles of doodoo.

Maman and baby shadows

You may recognize this Halloween suit...

Grandma Bates gave this hat to Sawyer for xmas, along with a number of other cute you can see he's a little ambivalent. I'm pretty sure it will grow on him when he realizes how awesome he looks, and how warm it keeps his ears...

so we never got around to doing a Christmas letter, but finally took a moment for a few pics in front of the tree yesterday (Dec. 28).

Happy new year to everyone, may you all lose ten pounds, learn mandarin, start a succesful business and write the great american novel...I know that's what I'll be doing.