Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What we've been doing: The SHORT and SWEET version

A lot of people having been asking me to resucitate the blog. Ever since all my bitches and my hoes (hos?) got onto facebook, it's seemed a lot easier just to post pics and keep people abreast there. But, in my quest to never leave anyone unsatisfied, I'm going to make an effort to keep the blog going too. So without further ado, a heavily abridged retelling of the last 7 months.


Getting sick. Really sick. And by sick I mean physically ill, not perverted.

Mastering using a spoon and other utensils

Getting a piano which we still haven't had tuned.

Walking the dog and her buddy in the frozen Colorado landscape

Making friends. Wait, why are we in shorts? Oh yeah, that's Colorado winters for you.
Going to Baltimore for spring break, during which we...

....................visited the Baltimore aquarium

................frolicked at the Baltmore childrens' museum

...............visited DC and felt the capitol building looming

................received communications from extra-terrestrials near said capitol building

...................enjoyed the cherry blossoms near the Washington Monument

.........................strolled the National Mall with the other tourists

............................visited Anapolis and ate huge cupcakes

...................posed by the Anapolis harbor

And we've been...
Going to Sam Bates' baptism

Getting tackled

Making cakes for baby showers

Making trips to the zoo...

...this time with Grandma Bates

Making more trips to the Denver zoo

Where we oggled the gorillas

Taking loooooong car rides for family reunions

Visiting with cousins during a family reunion in UT

Playing on the tractors at Wheeler Farm in UT.

Going to the Colorado Renaissance Festival

Playing with sidewalk chalk

Growing a garden and harvesting its bounty.

And that's what we've been up to, peeps. What about you?